Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Big 1 PLN Denver Post

Wow! Apparently 2 men broke out into a fist fight when violent words were exchanged. The cop watching pulled a gun (he was off duty) and shot one of the men. The man was taken to the hospital and said to be dead. The cop was released after questioning. What's missing? Somebody dies after almost getting in a fight. I don't agree with shoot first ask questions later. What was this mans crime? Why, did the cop shoot him? This affected me and I don't know why. Mormons don't drink, is this why? Is this what happens when you get drunk? This man didn't deserve to die. I'm starting to hate the media. Why can't they say why the man was shot, what is with the world? This man died I'd like to know why and I want to know now. I can't say much more accept, we are mature enough as a nation to take things straight. Tell us as a nation whats going on because I feel left in the dark. I don't care what he did, you don't shoot someone like that.


Dillon G. said...

Matt, it was overall a pretty good blog. I liked how you questioned the article numerous of times and seemed to be very into it. I agree with you how he shouldn't have been shot over a fist fight. Do you think the cop was maybe inexperienced or acting upon his instincts to shoot the guy? Next time, try reflecting on how this matters to the world and maybe make it a bit longer. Good job

Sean J. said...

Matt I liked your questions as I was reading. You showed that you cared about your topic in the bolg with good sarcsim and I liked how your blog started with "Wow" There were a few points that were unclear, but overall it was good.

Brett R. said...

Are we a mature enough nation? I think not as if it is not clear enough we still do what we see in the movies witch means that we do not realize it is just a movie. We have cops shooting people about ready to get into a fight. We sould be able to reconize this as a random act of violence he thinks he has a reason but its a pretty crappy one so if the American people continue to do it and the media puts it out there it will give other americans the idea to go out and shoot someone if they are in a fight.

Jacob P said...

I agree 100% with you Matt. but Really was the cop in danger? Or was he just stupid and he should have been arrested for man slaughter and let off duty with an unhonarory discharge.

Bandido said...

Lemme tell you about my eskimo friend
How I met him I can't remember where or when
But One thing I know is his name
To him, Nanook, and to me the same
For my eskimo friend is really me
I'm a lone eskimo who go where the huskies pee