Thursday, September 27, 2007

Did you know? By Mr. Fisch

Today I read Mr. Fisch's "Did You Know" power point. Wow! I knew about half of it the other half is kind of a "what the heck." In the power point it said at one point the amount of imformation we get will double every 72 hours. Thats really cool and all but, what are we supposed to do? With my rather short attention span and my super dumbness, how am I supposed to keep up? How could anybody keep up? I'm not sure this all matters though.
I try to make a text to world connection when I say, "Are we gonna live to see this." Bombs are created everyday, they get more advanced everyday, so, are we gonna live to see tomorrow? Is this super flow of information going to come back and stab us in the back, or is it going to make us all smart to the extreme? I don't know and to tell you the truth I'm scared to figure out.

The other thing that concerned me is China. China is getting bigger, better, and smarter. My moms boss (a big person in the buisness world) says (not being sure if this is correct) that 50% of the world speaks chinese. Do I need to speak chinese? Do I need to speak anything besides english or am I just "One sad, strange, little man?" (quoted by Buzz Lightyear)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Denver man has something against ducks (Denver Post)

What the DUCK? Somebody needs therapy here. (maybe the guy who ripped the ducks head off) Thats right you heard me, early on Sunday (9-24) a guest at the Embassy Suites Hotel in St. Paul (obviously drunk) cornered the duck and ripped its head off. Say what?????? The man turned to the security guard watching and claimed "I'm hungry. I'm gonna eat!" Last time I was hungry I don't recall ripping a ducks head off but, maybe I'm just weird like that. Now what do I think of this? (besides that this man is Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs) I am shocked. I hunt, I shoot bird, but, this is taking it too far. This is not even in the same ballpark, this man is an idiot. The fact that he was drunk doesn't make up for this, and I hope that he ends up in jail. Well, this quack (ducks go quack get it :) is going to end up in jail and I hope that some inmate named Tony rips his head off. So again I say.... WTD.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

World News bird flu google news

Matt Hiler
Period 1
Sept. 18th
Its kind of hard to give my opinion on the avian bird flu. Having done reports on this subject I'm a bit creeped out. Yesterday, China confirmed another bird flu outbreak. All the research I've done shows that the bird flu could kill millions. What do I think? Well, I agree. Last year, if I am remembering right, the global ammount of money spent on the bird flu was over 100 million. Yes, thats about all I can say and I hope from here things only get better.

Is it okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher?

Matthew Hiler (your favorite student :)
Period 1
Sept. 18
Today I read the fischbowl and Mr. Fisch wasn't as good as usual. He was hard to follow, kept repeating himself, but, the big thing HE WAS WRONG. Teachers I hugely appreciate they put earn smaller wages and have stressful jobs. So who cares if they are technologically illiterate. Sure for a tech teacher not to be able to use a computer this might cause a problem. Why then must a math teacher or science teacher be able to use a computer. All they need to do is post grades. This was a rediculous article (sorry to Mr. Fisch) but, I myself can't see the reasons why any teacher should have to be a computer nerd!